While streaming might be the primary option for modern music listeners, many fail to realize that, with services like Rhapsody and Napster, included in their subscription fees is the ability to listen to music offline. Rhapsody International, who owns Rhapsody and Napster, reported today that users are beginning to fully understand what they're paying for, and they now have over 3 million paying subscribers globally.

Rhapsody boasted only about 2 million subscribers at this time last year, making the 1 million-user growth the biggest jump the company has ever experienced in its 13-year history. For comparison, industry leader Spotify has around 20 million paying subscribers, double what it had last year.

Rhapsody will soon launch a redesign of its app to more prominently feature offline listening capabilities. Ethan Rudin, Rhapsody's chief financial officer, said, "People have started to figure out streaming is great when you're on a subway, when you're on an airplane. We are bringing that feature to the forefront as part of the redesign."

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