American Hi-Fi’s Stacy Jones Chats About New LP, ‘Blood and Lemonade’
Boston’s pop punks American Hi-Fi have been quite busy since their super-popular hit singles 'Flavor Of The Weak' and 'Another Perfect Day' dropped back in 2001 -- the songs that launched them into the mainstream spotlight. Their new album, 'Blood and Lemonade' -- which is their first studio album in nearly five years -- was recently released (Sept. 9) via Rude Records and it packs a similar punch to some of their beloved older material.
If you haven’t given it a spin yet, it’s available now in most formats for purchase and it's currently streaming on Spotify. Its lead single, 'Allison,' is filled with energy, dark overtones and infectious pop riffs.
American Hi-Fi's frontman, Stacy Jones, recently took some time to chat with us in between serving as Miley Cyrus' touring drummer. He shares his inspiration for the new record, its interesting title and some of the band's musical influences throughout the years.
After the band's "semi-hiatus" over the past few years, why the decision to make a new album now?
I was sitting around the house writing songs and a couple just jumped out as sounding like Hi-Fi tunes. I did quick demos of them, sent them to the guys to see what they thought, and they came back with a resounding “F--- yeah! Let’s make a new record!"
Your two biggest singles, 'Flavor of The Weak' and 'Another Perfect Day,' were on your debut self-titled album. What do you have to say to fans about your new album to discredit any one-hit wonder status?
We are totally one hit wonders! [Laughs] Most people only know us from 'Flavor of the Weak' … and that’s OK with me. We are very lucky to have had that song connect with as many people as it did. That is a very difficult thing to do. People that know more about the band are aware that we have a little more depth than just that one song, and that is cool too.
Did the absence of a major record label help your songwriting process this time around?
Immensely! It can be a real challenge to write when you have people looking over your shoulder saying, “Give us another 'Flavor,' give us another single for radio.” It is difficult to chase that. We tried at times, and it comes off as not being authentic. With this album, we had no one talking in our ear. We wrote and recorded these songs because we liked them. That was it.
Why 'Blood and Lemonade' for the album title?
It can be a real pain to come up with a good album title. I usually go to song titles first, and if there is nothing there, I star combing through lyrics. 'Blood and Lemonade' stuck out immediately and we all agreed.
What kind of touring, if any, will you do in support of the new record?
As much as we can. We all have other lives outside of American Hi-Fi so it can be difficult to coordinate. But we are committed to going and playing where there is demand … where people still like to see guitar rock bands.
Who were some of your biggest pop-punk idols when you first became a band? Are they still your favorites now?
The Clash, the Jam ... I love Rancid. Elvis Costello, Foo Fighters, Oasis ... We have lots of influences and we wear them proudly on our sleeves.
Watch American Hi-Fi's Music Video for 'Golden State' from 'Blood and Lemonade'
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