Brittany Flynn

Wavves, ‘Afraid of Heights’ – Album Review
With their fourth studio release, Wavves have created their most coherent listen to date, one that further expresses their slacker aesthetic. They aren’t just picking up where they left off with ‘King of the Beach.’ There’s less fuzz and more grunge, as well as new elements of Animal Collective-style symphonics. However, this is an album that strongly plays upon Williams’ love of Weezer and Nirvan

10 Bands That Make It Feel Like the ’90s Again
The '90s are back, and there's no denying it. Luckily, it's not just the fashion trends that are coming back into style -- it's the music, too. While many of the bands that gave us the sound of that decade are long gone, a new crop of young rockers are picking up where they left off and making their influence clear...

Marnie Stern, ‘The Chronicles of Marnia’ – Album Review
On her third album, Marnie Stern hasn’t quite traded in her finger-tapping guitar chops for pop chords, but ‘The Chronicles of Marnia’ is certainly her catchiest to date. Longtime drummer Zach Hill may have left to focus on Death Grips full time, but his replacement, Kid Millions, is a fitting successor who keeps up without hogging Stern’s spotlight. Much of the album is frantic enough to satisfy