Bono Reads a Limerick to Promote Mario Batali’s Anti-AIDS Campaign
In the ultimate display of all that is Irish, (RED) posted a video yesterday (May 19) of U2's Bono reading a limerick. The 37-second video, which you can watch below, was recorded to promote celebrity chef Mario Batali's "Eat (Red) Drink (Red) & Save Lives" campaign, which will raise money this June to help in the fight against AIDS through food- and drink-centric events:
The limerick reads as follows:
A chef, a genius, a shock of red hair,
Orange croks, sleeveless vests, his legs always bare.
Batali's a hero, he brings food to the fight,
That's the fight to end AIDS so the future looks bright.
So if you're hungry, or thirsty, or fancy a snack,
There are thousands of ways for you to give back!
So this coming June, please eat and drink (RED),
Let's make AIDS history, like Mario said.
According to a press release, ""It costs as little as 40 [cents] for two life-saving pills that, when taken daily, can prevent an HIV+ mom from passing the virus to her unborn baby. Still, 650 babies are needlessly born with the virus every day. EAT (RED) DRINK (RED) SAVE LIVES rallies the culinary world to help get that number nearer to zero."
Batali's campaign will launch on May 31 as he hosts a fresco dinner at Pier 26 in New York City.
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