Your Basic Easter Egg Top 10 Playlist
Great Eggs of Cadbury, Easter is almost here.
Regardless of whether you celebrate the holiday, you can't avoid it. From the religious iconography to the giant rabbit and the brightly colored marshmallow chickens, Easter is everywhere.
Well, not everywhere. Unlike its December cousin, Easter has no carols, no "Rockin' Around the Easter Tree" or "Grandma Got Run Over by a Rabbit." No, if you want to put together a Bunny Day playlist, you're on your own.
But you have eggs to dye and plastic grass to buy, so we've got you covered. What pastel colored eggs have to do with an over-sized rabbit is a conversation for another time: For now, let's just accept that eggs are inseparable from Easter and see what kind of holiday playlist we can put together.
So here we go: your basic Easter egg Top 10 playlist. You can hide it first if you want.
"Egg Man"
Beastie BoysEveryone expected the Beastie Boys to one up the "Fight for Your Right" rap-metal party vibe on their sophomore album, but 1989's Paul's Boutique was nothing like License to Ill. The record is a true classic, and "Egg Man" is one of its tastiest cuts.
"Eggs on Plate"
Iggy PopParty is the last of Iggy Pop's three album run on Arista Records in the late '70s, early '80s. He was hardly a street walking cheetah at this point in his career, but Iggy is a lot like pizza: Even when he's bad he's pretty damned good.
Mr. BungleIt was a little confusing for some of us to hear Faith No More's lead singer working with another band, but their 1991 debut is an alternative classic. There's a purple vinyl edition floating around -- go get it!
"No Good Eggs"
Kevin Seconds7Seconds are one of the great hardcore bands of the '80s, and they're still out there getting it done. When lead singer Kevin Seconds isn't touring with the band, he has his own acoustic thing going on. Enjoy.
"Dirty Old Egg-Sucking Dog"
Johnny CashIf you're hunting eggs this Easter we hope you don't have your egg-sucking dog in tow, but if you do take comfort in the knowledge that Johnny Cash feels your pain. This version is from the essential At Folsom Prison album.
"I Am the Walrus"
The BeatlesThe Beatles didn't fail very often, but their Magical Mystery Tour television special flopped when it first aired at the end of 1967. Granted, it's a mess, but it's not without a certain psychedelic charm.
And speaking of psychedelic charm, "I Am the Walrus" might be the most memorable cut from the soundtrack. Apparently the band didn't think so at the time, relegating it to the B-side of "Hello Goodbye."
(Want to impress your friends at your Easter party with your vast knowledge of Beatles minutiae? "I Am the Walrus" touches every chord in the musical alphabet, A-B-C-D-E-F-G. You're welcome.)
"Eggs & Sausage (In a Cadillac With Susan Michelson)"
Tom WaitsTom Waits didn't achieve full Waits-itude until Swordfishtrombones, but 1975's Nighthawks at the Diner came pretty close. There are few storytellers out there better than Waits.
"They Punctured My Yolk"
The Flaming LipsWayne Coyne is the only artist on this list who spends time inside an egg. Okay, maybe it isn't an egg, but that hamster ball thingy he climbs around in is one of the highlights of any Flaming Lips show.
Incidentally, if we ever have breakfast together don't you dare puncture my yolk. You've been warned.
"Egg Shaped Fred"
MansunMansun are one of the great lost alternative bands. Between 1997 and 2004, the English band released four albums, and then they were done. This cut is from their debut album, Attack of the Grey Lantern.
"Egg Raid on Mojo"
Beastie BoysAnd so our eggie playlist ends as it began, with a track from the Beasties. If you're lucky enough to own a copy of their Polly Wog Stew EP, the original home of "Egg Raid on Mojo," congratulations. The rest of us poor suckers probably know this track from the 1994 Some Old Bulls--- compilation.
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