From a Fountain, ‘Spit, Sprinkle, Spray’ – Exclusive Song Premiere
After spending six years in Philadelphia working with his previous band, National Eye, and collaborating with other bands from the region, like Dr. Dog, Douglas Kirby — who now performs under the moniker From a Fountain — returned to his hometown of Sioux Falls, S.D. There, he rented a warehouse to record songs that were a culmination of his experience in the Philly music scene and drew inspiration from his childhood in South Dakota.
What resulted were two albums worth of material. The first, ‘Milky Mile,’ landed in mid-August, and its counterpart, ‘Milky Mile Two,’ will drop on Oct. 22. Diffuser.fm is excited to premiere ‘Spit, Sprinkle, Spray,’ the lead single from the second volume (stream below).
The track is filled with joyous piano, but as it progresses, it moves into more psychedelic territory. However, the singer-songwriter admits the pair of ‘Milky Mile’ releases focus on the lyrics, which are delivered by Kirby’s clinical-sounding vocals on ‘Spit, Sprinkle, Spray.’
"'Spit, Sprinkle, Spray'" came in a flash on an old, booming piano, in a little house on 1st Ave in Sioux Falls, South Dakota," Kirby tells Diffuser.fm. "The bass strings were so bouyant that the thing wanted to bounce right out the door. Outside the door was a quiet, residential street, where, in the summer, the city would sometimes drive a truck in the evening, spraying poison to kill the mosquitoes."
“If [‘Shale and Sandstone,’ From a Fountain's 2005 debut album] was about instruments, parts and arrangements, the ‘Milky Miles’ are about words. All of it is extremely wordy,” Kirby says. “I found solace in this, allowing phrases to blurt out next to each other.”
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