Jack White Blasts Foo Fighters + Rolling Stone Magazine, Foos Respond
Something about baseball stadiums must bring the crank out of Jack White.
During a show at Boston's Fenway Park last night (Sept. 17), the former White Stripes frontman went on what he knew would later be referred to as a three-minute "rant" against a few rock 'n' roll institutions -- namely the Foo Fighters and Rolling Stone magazine.
It seemed to start innocently enough as White made an innocuous observation about how many microphones were on the stage. He then said, "Most performers don't use microphones anymore, you know," adding most singers "don't use microphones that have cords on them." That led to criticizing the Foo Fighters for using a second guitar player "playing the same parts" to cover up any mistakes.
Update: It didn't take long for the Foo Fighters to respond. Appearing to not take the rant too seriously, they shared this simple tweet with fans:
After that, he took Rolling Stone to task for its web content, saying its website is "brought to you by the Kardashian family" and features articles like "15 outfits that will blow your mind that Taylor Swift wore this month," "10 reasons why RollingStone.com didn't cover the Newport Folk Festival for 15 years straight" and "12 reasons Rolling Stone won’t put a black and white cover on the cover of their magazine unless you’re dead."
Then, aware of the impending headlines he'd just instigated, White said, "OK, I'm officially supposed to stop now, because this is becoming a Kanye West-esque rant. Because apparently, nowadays, you're not allowed to speak to your own fans about anything, lest it be a rant."
He wrapped it up by saying, "So forget ISIS, forget the war in the Middle East, forget any problems at home, forget gay marriage, forget everything you ever thought about everything. This not a rant. This is just me saying, 'Hello Cleveland!' Yeah, baby! Brought to you by RollingStone.com."
Throughout the "rant," White's band kept the music rolling behind him. You can hear the audio below:
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