Exclusive Premiere: Mat Shoare, ‘In Good Time’
Hailing from Kansas City, Mo., singer-songwriter Mat Shoare is celebrating the impending release of his new record, Right as Rain, on May 5. Packed with introspective lyrics and beautiful musical arrangements, the album takes listeners on an emotional journey, and today (April 17), Diffuser is thrilled to share the new track, "In Good Time" -- check it out in the audio player below.
“When I write songs, I am trying to tap into a complex human emotion that everyone has experienced and bring it to life,” Shoare recently explained. “The goal is to recreate that emotion anytime a person listens to the songs.”
As for "In Good Time," Shoare admits that it’s one of his favorite tracks from Right as Rain. “It’s got a kind of weird, driving vibe that is somehow both mopey and triumphant,” he tells us.
As you wait to get your hands on Shoare’s new record, you can pick up 2012’s Domestic Partnership and the recently-released single, “Murder,” at his official Bandcamp.
Shoare has a number of gigs scheduled throughout April, including a stop by Omaha's O'Leaver's tonight; you can find his full tour itinerary -- and stay up-to-date with everything happening in his world -- at this location.
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