Neko Case – Rockers Too Sexy for Their Own Good
Neko Case could be an acne-scarred hunchback with three teeth and a receding hairline, and she'd still wow you with her music. The country-noir chanteuse is among the finest songwriters in the game, and on albums like 'Fox Confessor Brings the Flood,' she delivers stark, mesmerizing, at times terrifying short stories set to music. Unfortunately, Case also happens to be stunning, and to see her live is to grit your teeth as A-hole dudes with one too many IPAs in them yell things like, "I love you, Neko!" Band member Kelly Hogan deflects many of these catcalls with witty remarks, and Case never seems all that bothered, but she deserves better, and we're not just saying that 'cause we love her, too.
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