Prince Curtly Dismisses Another Youthful Suitor in ‘Lolita': 365 Prince Songs in a Year
To celebrate the incredibly prolific, influential and diverse body of work left behind by Prince, we will be exploring a different song of his each day for an entire year with the series 365 Prince Songs in a Year.
Through Prince added some very modern musical touches, he accurately described 2006's 3121 as a "trip back." The album found him once again on a major label, once again employing a numeric album title, and once again – as part of the stand-out track "Lolita" – curtly dismissing a youthful suitor.
The guy who'd famously barked "women, not girls, rule my world" during 1986's chart-topping "Kiss" was on the market again, having split from his wife of five years. But the departure of Manuela Testolini – she filed for divorce in May 2006, just weeks after the release of 3121 – hadn't opened the door for just any possible love interest. In fact, "Lolita" makes clear that he didn't want the divorce in the first place.
Seems Prince runs into a particularly attractive girl at a club – she's "fine from head to pumps," he sings over nervy keyboard stabs, "if you were mine, we'd bump, bump, bump" – but he's suspicious from the beginning that she might be underage. Finally, Prince demands proof.
"Come here and show me some ID," he sings, before confirming what he knew all along: "You're much too young to peep my stash. You're trying to write checks your body can't cash. You can't hang with this, girl – look out." They resolve things (how else?) by dancing it out to a boisterous chant from members of the New Power Generation.
Beyond his well-known aversion to juvenile femme fatales, Prince also appears to still be very much betrothed in "Lolita" – which actually dates back to 2005, according to PrinceVault. "Lolita, you're sweeter," Prince concludes, "but you'll never make a cheater out of me."
By then, he'd presumably completed a separation from Testolini, a Toronto native who formerly worked as a consultant with Prince's charity foundation. She said in a subsequently released divorce filing that they'd been apart for some two years.
Prince didn't fight the petition. "His wife filed for divorce. This isn't something that he wanted," Patrick Cousins, Prince’s personal lawyer, told People in 2006. "There isn't anything else. He didn't counter sue. He is just trying to get it resolved."
Financial details from Prince's final divorce settlement weren't initially disclosed. Testolini received a Toronto home valued at about $6 million as well as a Lexus, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune later confirmed. She subsequently married singer Eric Benet, and they had two children. Prince reportedly never finished paying off the legal fees.
Thankfully, 3121 provided a glimmer of good news in a tough period. Bolstered by the distribution muscle of Universal Records, the album became Prince's first-ever to debut atop the Billboard charts. It was also his initial No. 1 since 1989's Batman, though alas also his last.
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