George Clinton Plotting New 'One Nation Under Sedation' AlbumGeorge Clinton Plotting New 'One Nation Under Sedation' AlbumFollowing his first new album with Parliament in 38 years, George Clinton says there's plenty more new music on the way.Debra FilcmanDebra Filcman
George Clinton Says P-Funk Will Continue After He Stops TouringGeorge Clinton Says P-Funk Will Continue After He Stops Touring76-year-old discusses “movement” with “new kids in the band” and says there’s plenty of inspiration for the times ahead.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
'Funkentelechy Vs. the Placebo Syndrome' Is Funk-Opera Perfection'Funkentelechy Vs. the Placebo Syndrome' Is Funk-Opera PerfectionGeorge Clinton was plotting the next narrative frontier within the P-Funk mythology when crafting Parliament's 1977 album.Vincent CarusoVincent Caruso
40 Years Ago: Parliament Unleash 'Live P-Funk Earth Tour' LP40 Years Ago: Parliament Unleash 'Live P-Funk Earth Tour' LPGeorge Clinton took Parliament's Mothership out of arenas and into record stores with 'Live P- Funk Earth Tour.'Dave SwansonDave Swanson