Chelsea Light Moving, ‘Frank O’Hara Hit’ – Song Review
Thurston Moore's Chelsea Light Moving have already dropped the advance dispatches 'Burroughs' and 'Groovy and Linda' ahead of their debut album, and now we get a third track from the Sonic Youth frontman's new project. It's called 'Frank O’Hara Hit' -- in honor of the late writer, poet and art critic -- and, like its two predecessors, it sounds like something that can only be spawned from the mind of Moore (with a little help from his friends).
Kicking off with a minute-long intro of chiming guitar harmonics played over a playful backing of a wandering bass line and loose drum beats, the tune then launches into a relentless noise groove, meandering almost aimlessly between verses of abstract lyrical thought and expanses of dual guitar skronking. In other words, 'Frank O’Hara Hit' will never be a hit.
Which is totally fine, and to be expected -- even very few of the best Thurston Moore compositions over the years have been destined for minimal radio airplay. In fact, most Moore fans and even non-fans in the same musical community know exactly what to expect from him at this point in his career, more or less, and for the most part, that's exactly what he delivers. Love it or hate it, you can't really complain you were taken off guard.
This may be exactly what is disappointing about the song -- no surprises here. Chelsea Light Moving have the Thurston Moore sound down to a formula, and until they take a step outside and stray from it a bit, what fans and non-fans alike will expect is only more of the same.
Listen to Chelsea Light Moving, 'Frank O’Hara Hit'