Crystal Fairy are set to release their self-titled debut next Friday (Feb. 24), and the group comprised of Melvins' Buzz Osbourne and Dale Crover, At the Drive-In's Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and Teri Gender Bender from Le Butcherettes have decided to give their fans a preview of it. You can stream Crystal Fairy in the Soundcloud widget below.

Osbourne, Crover and Bender spoke with Rolling Stone about the origins of the project. The seeds were sown when Melvins and Le Butcherettes toured together in 2015, a trek that went so well that they reprised it a year later, with Bender joining them onstage nightly for a cover of Bikini Kill's "Rebel Girl." One night, while sitting with Rodriguez-Lopez, who was photographing the tour, they realized they all wanted to do an album together.

Initial sessions in Los Angeles went quickly, writing and recording three songs in the first day alone, and they continued work at Rodriguez-Lopez's studio in El Paso, Texas a few months later when their schedules permitted. They'd decompress after a long day by watching movies, with one of them being Sebastián Silva's 2013 comedy, Crystal Fairy & the Magical Cactus, from which they took their name.

For Osbourne, the highlight of the project has been working with Bender. "I guess the one thing I really liked was being able to write songs that Teri could sing," he said. "I think she's an unbelievable talent. It was a privilege to me to be able to write songs and then have somebody write lyrics and sing along to melodies that I'd written in such a great way. It's not something that I take lightly. At all. ... I love it. It was a joy and a pleasure to work with Teri. One of the high points of my career to me."

Listen to Crystal Fairy's Debut

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