Crystal Fairy, a new supergroup comprised of Buzz Osbourne and Dale Crover of the Melvins, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez of At the Drive-In and Teri Gender Bender of Le Butcherettes, will release their self-titled debut on Feb. 24, 2017. You can listen to the first song, "Drugs on the Bus," above.

As drummer Dale Crover recounted in a press release, their desire to work with Teri Gender Bender stemmed from when Le Butcherettes served as the Melvins' opening act last year. “When the Melvins toured with Le Butcherettes, Teri would come out at the end of the set and do ‘Rebel Girl’ with us,” he said. “It was almost always the highlight of the show! From doing that, we knew there was some chemistry between us that was worth exploring. We became close friends with both Teri and Omar on the tour and came up with the idea of starting a new band with them.”

Rodriguez-Lopez and Gender Bender have been friends for years, with him having produced all three of Le Butcherettes' albums, and earlier this year the duo released a cover of Depeche Mode's "I Feel You." From there, she said, it was only natural that the four of them would collaborate. “Omar caught up with us on the Melvins’ tour because he is an admirer. Through the travels, the Melvins and Omar connected as well. Sometimes, Omar and I would fantasize loudly of hopefully being able to form a [group] together. Before we knew it, we were writing music in the studio (both in El Paso and L.A.) and birthed a magical little gem that I am extremely proud to be a part of.”

Although Lopez added that they remain committed to their main groups, they are expecting to tour behind Crystal Fairy. A limited edition 7" single of "Drugs on the Bus" and "Necklace of Divorce" will be released on Friday (Oct. 10).

'Crystal Fairy' Track Listing

1. "Chiseler"
2. "Drugs on the Bus"
3. "Necklace of Divorce"
4. "Moth Tongue"
5. "Crystal Fairy"
6. "Secret Agent Rat"
7. "Under Trouble"
8. "Bent Teeth"
9. "Posesión"
10. "Sweet Self"
11. "Vampire X-Mass"

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