Listen to 15 Seconds of the Flaming Lips and Miley Cyrus ‘Sgt. Pepper’ Remake
We don't know what to believe from the Flaming Lips anymore. We had a hunch that their 'Dark Side of the Moon' companion album was a fake, and -- surprise, surprise -- it was.
But what about that remake of the Beatles' classic album 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hears Club Band'? After all, the Lips did perform 'Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds' with Sean Lennon on 'Late Night With David Letterman' in February.
And then there was that cryptic pic Lips frontman Wayne Coyne sent out last month that showed pop star/twerk enthusiast Miley Cyrus rolling something, um, weedy in the studio with a note that said "Recordin with Miley."
Well, it looks like that 'Sgt. Pepper's" project could be a real thing. Word has leaked that the Lips have recorded a few songs already, including the album's finale, 'A Day in the Life,' with Cyrus and MGMT's Andrew VanWyngarden. And if we're to believe the latest Instagram post by Coyne, that's 15 seconds of the song you can hear below.
UPDATE: Those 15 seconds are no longer available.
That's Cyrus singing -- with some studio effects tossed in there -- the middle section of the song. Or as Coyne notes, "Woke up ..fell out of bed.. dragged a comb across my head.. Yep!!!! @mileycyrus singing the Paul McCartney bit on A Day In The Life!!!!! Yesss!! Thanks @NewFumes Almost done mixin !! Gon beeee rad!!!!! If ya love The Beatles and John Lennon you gonna love this!!!"
We'll see about that ...