Friskies ‘Dizzy’ Cat Food Commercial – What’s the Song?
Most cat people are crazy about their feline friends, and Friskies, the cat food manufacturer, realizes this. In the commercial celebrating the brand's 50 varieties of vittles, a happy gray cat watches the fan, the laundry machine, a record player and a computer screensaver spin. He's clearly a content creature whose taste buds have been taken for a spin, and his docile, satisfied mood is complemented by the acoustic song featured in the spot.
That song is Donovan's 'Happiness Runs,' which came out all the way back in 1969. It appears on the Scottish singer/songwriter's seventh studio album 'Barabajagal,' and even though it came out 44 years ago, it still sounds fresh, thanks to his crystal clear voice and the gentle strum of the guitar.
Donovan was a prolific artist in the '60s and '70s, blending pop and psychedelia. He is also the father of Ione Skye, who played the unforgettable heroine Diane Court in 'Say Anything.' His other hits include 'Mellow Yellow' and 'Hurdy Gurdy Man.'
This is the type of song that would be used in a Wes Anderson movie, during a particularly darkly comedic montage where the soft lull of the music offsets the quirky onscreen drama.
While Friskies take kitty taste buds for a spin with 50 delicious flavors, this song takes are our ears for one, as well.
Watch the Friskies 'Dizzy' Commercial Featuring Donovan's 'Happiness Runs'
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