Now that the fourth season of HBO's blockbuster series 'Game of Thrones' has come to a dramatic halt, we take our Thrones fixes where we can find them. Fortunately, the latest to hit the Internet is one of the best.

The video -- which you can watch above -- features a 'Brady Bunch'-style intro that explains the different roles of each 'Thrones' character. So there's talk of incest and all that. It's also very different from the dramatic battle theme and familiar Westeros map that we're used to as the show's opening credits.

With lyrics like "Here's the story of a man named Stark / He was noble so he died pretty quick," the video, made by 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' star Wil Wheaton, is absolutely perfect.

It actually does a great job of explaining what went on, for anyone who had a hard time following. Which is pretty much 95 percent of the show's viewers.

We kinda like this battle remix too:

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