In 2011, Jason Corcoran, under the moniker Gaston Light, released his debut LP, ‘Peel.’ Three years later, he unleashed the single ‘Dream Good,’ and today (Feb. 4), Diffuser is excited to premiere Gaston Light's latest track, ‘Wake Up and Fight.’ You can take it for a spin in the audio player below.

Corcoran isn’t one to release music for the sake of releasing music. In fact, during an ongoing battle with drug and alcohol addiction, a younger Corcoran wrote two albums, both of which remain unreleased to this day. His addictions followed him to Los Angeles and back to his hometown of Dallas where, eventually, he cleaned up and his life began to change ... for the better.

During that change, Corcoran never stopped writing, amassing more than 40 songs -- and he's now recording some of them. ‘Wake Up and Fight,' an amazingly powerful track that highlights the singer's struggles and his auspicious triumphs, is part of that collection.

“I wanted to write a self-fulfilling prophecy,” Corcoran explains to us. “I wanted to force hope into my life. I wanted a good life, or at least a better one. The song is me telling myself that I have things to be grateful for and to just keep going.”

As for the inspiration for the song’s namesake, Corcoran had the highest of influences. “It’s taken from a list of Woody Guthrie’s New Year’s resolutions,” he says. “As a song title, it felt ridiculously huge to me. I thought that with such an overtly optimistic sentiment, I might be setting myself up to fail.”

'Wake Up and Fight' will be released digitally on Feb. 17 via Idol Records. You can stay up-to-date with everything happening in the world of Gaston Light at Corcoran's official website here.

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