Jackie Fuchs Responds to Joan Jett’s Statement Following Kim Fowley Rape Allegations
Following the account detailing her alleged rape by the late Kim Fowley, former Runaways bassist Jackie Fuchs -- who went by the stage name Jackie Fox -- sat down with HuffPost Live to address both Fowley and her then-bandmate Joan Jett.
Jett and Runaways frontwoman Cherie Currie were both implicated as some of the underage witnesses present during the attack in 1975, and both women have since issued statements denying those claims. When asked about Jett’s response, Fuchs told HuffPost:
The important thing to focus on is that certainly the Joan of today would not stand by and watch a bandmate being assaulted in any way without doing something. But at the time of the incidenct, Joan, like most of the other people in the room, was a teenager. We all like to think that that we are the type of people who would stop an assault in progress because most of us are good moral people. But even good moral people have a hard time acting when they see an event of bullying or of sexual assault or anything similar, especially when there are a lot of people around.
During the interview, Fuchs was also asked what she would say to Fowley today if given the chance:
I really had wanted to just hear him tell me what he was thinking that night and what was going on for him to find out if there was something that I hadn’t realized. Ideally to hear him say, "Look, I’m really sorry for what I did to you. I wronged you, and can you ever forgive me?" Because I would like to get to a place where I can forgive him. And I’m not there yet, but I want to be. Not for his sake, obviously, but for my own. Because carrying round hate and anger doesn’t do me any good. I’m working on that.
Watch both parts of Fuchs’ interview below:
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