A Pro-Donald Trump Rally Will Take Place at the Same Time as the Juggalo March
In order to protest their fans being classified as a gang by the FBI, the Insane Clown Posse have planned a demonstration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 16. As it turns out, a rally in support of President Donald Trump is scheduled to take place at the exact same time, albeit in a different spot on the Mall.
Metal Sucks pointed out that the Juggalo March, so named after the moniker given to Insane Clown Posse’s fans, has been in the planning stages since at least last summer. it was organized in an attempt to “show America and the world that we are not a gang, public menace, cult, or any of the other untrue labels they have attempted to slap on us throughout the years. We must collectively show them that we truly are a family that is united by a shared love of music and fellowship.”
Juggalos were branded as a “loosely organized hybrid gang” in the FBI’s 2011 Gang Task Force report, and the band has been unsuccessful in their legal attempts to clear their name. They claim their fans have faced all sorts of discrimination, including losing custody of their children, being fired and prevented from joining the military, as a result of their fandom.
Meanwhile, the “Mother of All Rallies” hopes to “send a message to Congress, the media & the world we stand united to defend American culture & values.” They “demand protection for traditional American culture while they express their love for the United States and the America First agenda.”
According to their respective Facebook pages, 1,643 people are attending the Mother of All Rallies, while 86 people have R.S.V.P.’d for the Juggalo March.
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