Marilyn Manson’s Former Keyboardist Reportedly Hopes His Ex-Boss Suffers
An ankle injury sustained by Marilyn Manson over the weekend has prompted the cancelation of at least two weeks' worth of shows, but he's getting no sympathy from his former keyboardist. Stephen Bier, who was known as Madonna Wayne Gacy during his tenure with Manson, accused him of milking the injury for all it's worth, but added, "I hope he suffers."
As reported by Alternative Nation, he wrote about Manson's injury on Facebook. However, it appears that the post(s) have since been deleted. Still, the site says that his screed began, "I guess he was close enough for my black magic to work. This is why old wasted people shouldn't fumble around in the dark."
Manson was taken to a hospital on Saturday when, during a performance at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom, he was climbing a piece of the set comprised of two giant guns attached to scaffolding, which then fell on top of him. The night before, in Pittsburgh, he told the crowd he broke his ankle after jumping off the stage, a claim Gacy dismissed.
"If he had broken his ankle he wouldn't be walking around like this," he continued, "that is probably just more of his hyperbole. I recall the same excuse being used to cancel a Los Angeles show when all it was was a slightly sprained ankle. And anyways, if you're going to climb the scaffolding, shouldn't you be doing that during 'My Monkey'? Well, if it weren't for the guns, the truss would have actually hit him pretty hard."
Gacy also doubted the severity of the injury. "Well, he is pretty famous for turning his wasted mistakes into serendipitous publicity events," he said. "The converse is also true: he often turns publicity events into wasted mistakes." He used a bit of his own experience to suggest that the objects that fell on Manson weren't even that heavy.
"The guns (I assume) were carved out of foam," he added, "which is really typical like Ozzy [Osbourne]'s demons. And the truss maybe is aluminum. When you're shipping things around the country you want them to be as light as possible and need as few crew hands as possible to move and set up."
He concluded by implying that he put a hex on Manson. "I'm only 16 miles away [from the venue]. And as the crow flies (or the voodoo works) it's even shorter than that. ... I forgive him, but I hope he suffers."
Gacy played with Manson from 1989 until 2007, after which he sued his employer for $20 million in back payments. It was settled in 2009, with Gacy receiving $380,000. Bad blood apparently still exists between the two. Last year, as a seemingly high number of famous musicians were coincidentally passing away, he wrote, “I am genuinely amazed at how many prominent entertainers and musicians have kicked-off in the last 30 days… too bad Brian Warner [Manson's birth name] isn’t one of them. I can’t wait to do: the electric Boogaloo, the Texas two step, the waltz, and an Irish jig on his grave.”
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