Old People Think Skrillex and Dubstep Will Kill Them
The rise of dubstep has taken the music industry by storm, headed by former From First To Last frontman Skrillex (real name Sonny Moore). In the Fine Brothers' latest installment of their web series 'Elders React,' we get to witness what the silver generation thinks of the EDM craze.
Thanks to Gawker for making us aware of this hilarious video, we have the pleasure of watching the 'Elders React' panel give their spirited opinions on a few Skrillex tracks. The Fine Brothers crew subject them to three music videos from the dubstep poster boy and ask what they think. Our favorite is Diane who offered: "It made you pump, pump your heart, faster, faster, faster, so probably younger people would like it more because older people could die maybe."
"I would rather have my kid or grandkid listening to this than Justin Bieber or Britney Spears," says Catherine. However, most of the 'Elders React' panel are not so positive about dubstep, though surprisingly they wouldn't take offense to their grandchildren adopting the Skrillex hairstyle.
The two best highlights of the video, which you can watch below, are when the group is asked to mimic the noises they heard and show what kind of dance moves would be appropriate for dubstep. Heck, Diane said she would even stop by her local Walmart and pick up some dubstep records. Who would have thought Skrillex would be a critical figure in bridging the generation gap?
Watch 'Elders React' to Skrillex and Dubstep