Listen to Rick Astley Cover Bruno Mars’ Smash Hit, ‘Uptown Funk’
Rick Astley is more than a meme: He's a man, a performer who is still out there giving it his all. On Saturday (June 27), the '80s one-hit wonder took a stab at a more contemporary pop classic, covering Bruno Mars' hit, "Uptown Funk," during his set at Let’s Rock London. Watch the video below (we promise we're not Rickrolling you).
The cover makes total sense: Both "Uptown Funk" and Astley's hit "Never Gonna Give You Up" are bombastic, instantly catchy pop songs with explosive, danceable choruses and happy vibes. Astley also has the vocal fortitude to roll out a respectable rendition of the track, and he certainly did that.
Astley has largely been relegated to the nostalgia concert circuit since the '80s, although he has released a couple albums after his initial heyday, Keep it Turned On in 2001, and Portrait in 2005.
Watch Rick Astley Cover Bruno Mars' "Uptown Funk"
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