The self-titled debut album by Arthur Buck, the fruit of a collaboration between Arthur Joseph and Peter Buck that has been years in the making, is set for release.
The alt-country pioneers will play a run of East Coast and Midwest shows after the release of their long-awaited ninth album, co-produced by R.E.M.'s Peter Buck.
Long before they lost their religion, R.E.M. emerged from the indie underground with a haunting sound that blends folk, post-punk and garage rock into something ethereal.
Tasked with following up their landmark debut, R.E.M. went looser and a little towards the heartland with their hugely influential 1984 effort, 'Reckoning.'
"We got together, and Michael said, ‘I think you guys will understand. I need to be away from this for a long time,’" Buck recalled. "And I said, ‘How about forever?’"