Do you know who the dude is sporting the awesome hair and semi-smirk? It shouldn't be too hard to figure out, because he still has awesome hair and often breaks out that semi-smirk onstage.

He was born in Texas and got his start playing drums for one of the '90s biggest, and most angst-filled, female singers. He then joined a new band formed by the drummer of another band. But because the drummer wanted to sing and play guitar in his new band, our mystery kid was recruited to sit behind the kit.

The band recently announced that they are taking a break, but their drummer is keeping busy. He recently honored one of the world's biggest-ever rock bands by singing one of their most popular songs at a fancy ceremony for them. He's also been cast to play a legendary punk icon in an upcoming movie about a famed New York City club.

Do you know who it is? Click the button below to find out if you're right.

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