Captured Tracks Will Reissue an Album From Ben Stiller’s High School Band
It’s been a big music news week for … Ben Stiller. The actor has been promoting his brand-new film, While We’re Young, in which he co-stars with Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz. Earlier this week, he demonstrated his supreme knowledge of all things Beasties Boys, and now it’s been revealed that not only did Stiller used to drum for his high school band, Capital Punishment (yep, you read that right), but Captured Tracks is set to reissue their 1982 album, Roadkill, this fall. Listen to one of its tracks, “Confusion,” above.
Stiller discussed the band during an interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show at the end of last year (watch it below), describing them as a “sort of post-punk, neo-goth, urban experimental band, except we couldn’t play our instruments.”
The actor also appeared on The Howard Stern Show earlier this week, and Capital Punishment came up again. Stiller even cited David Bowie and Brian Eno as the band’s major influences.
“What happened was some outsider music label, which I don’t know those existed, but people who are just into weird music; I guess it’s been found and they asked us if they could re-release it,” Stiller told Stern of the upcoming reissue. “They’re called Captured Tracks. They’re a real company.”
Listen to the entire interview below:
In addition to Stiller, Capital Punishment featured the actor’s childhood friends Kriss Roebling, Peter Zusi and Peter Swann. Roebling had this to say when recounting the young band’s recording experience (via Captured Tracks):
Despite the difficulties of recording at that time (the better studios were actually auditioning clients to determine if they wanted to take their money), the fact that we still barely knew how to play our instruments, and that our musical interests seemed to be on a collision course with what the majority of our school mates were into at the time, we became hellbent on waving our very enthusiastic freak flag by recording an album. Our determination to record an album at that point in time was a perfect match for the fact that all of the best analog audio gadgetry was coming out then. In a matter of a few years, all of that equipment would be relegated to technology’s dustbin in favor of more pedestrian digital audio but, for a brief moment, it was like magic. Emboldened by an intensive audio engineering tutorial that I had recently taken, we submerged ourselves in all of this amazing analog studio gadgetry, and often wrote whole songs around the capabilities of a specific piece of gear. This endless world of sonic potential felt like it had opened up to us, and we used this experience to get our freak on in a big way. To hell with tuning the instruments, or singing in key, there are amazing soundscapes to make!!
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