New Order’s Bernard Sumner Wrote an Autobiography
Bernard Sumner -- who's in New Order and, before that, founded Joy Division -- has penned an autobiography that's coming out later this year. 'Chapter and Verse' will chronicle his life as well as career, with chapters focusing on his time in both legendary bands.
According to NME, the memoir, due on Sept. 25, will provide “a vivid and illuminating account of Sumner’s childhood. Quoting the press release: “Sometimes moving, often hilarious and occasionally completely out of control, this is a tale populated by some of the most colorful and creative characters in music history.”
Sumner co-founded the influential post-punk band Joy Division at the end of the '70s. They released a string of terrific singles and two great albums before singer Ian Curtis' suicide put a stop to their momentum.
The band regrouped as New Order -- at first sounding like Joy Division before they eventually, with Sumner on vocals, took a turn into dance music, which sent them rocketing to the top of the college-music charts in the '80s. They've been around ever since, but not without their bumps along the way.
New Order are working on a new album that's due next year. It will be their first without bassist Peter Hook, also a founding member of Joy Division, who left the band in 2007. (Hook has already written two books about his time in both bands.)
Some of New Order's new songs have been showing up onstage, like this song from Chicago last week:
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