Echosmith Talk Rock in Rio USA Festival, Charitable Efforts + Chipotle
Sibling rockers Echosmith have taken the music world by storm and they're about to get a major spotlight next month when they play the inaugural Rock in Rio USA Festival in Las Vegas. Diffuser had a chance to chat with Jamie, Sydney, Graham and Noah Sierota at a press conference in Los Angeles to announce the Rock in Rio USA festival's charitable partnership with Linkin Park's Music for Relief organization. The band joined Mike Shinoda in being the first acts to sign guitars being auctioned off to help raise money for the reforestation of several California burn areas. Check out our chat with the group below:
First off, congrats on all of the success you've been having leading up to the Rock in Rio USA Festival. Can you tell us your feelings on getting to play such a huge festival and be part of this amazing bill?
Sydney: Yeah, it's an amazing event. Huge, huge, like honestly I don't know if it does get bigger than that. So we're super, super excited as we're wrapping up our first headlining tour. It's now time to start thinking about that show and what we're gonna do and how it's gonna go and what we're gonna play. There's a lot to figure out, but we're very excited about it obviously. And I think that it's really cool that we have this opportunity to kind of do whatever and have some fun onstage with everyone else and get to perform for so many people that may have not heard us before. That's a really cool opportunity.
I was looking at all your "Picks" on your website and Sydney, I'm sure it's not lost on you that you're going to be playing with Ed Sheeran. I believe Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran are on your day, so just wanted to get your thoughts on playing with artists that you respect.
Sydney: They are, we're right before them. We've actually had a chance to meet both which has been awesome. So it'll be cool to say, "Hey nice to see you" instead of "Hey nice to meet you." But we're big fans and it'll be awesome to see them. I haven't been able to see a show of either of them, but I've wanted to really bad but we've been on tour. I can't wait to see them and hopefully they'll check out our show if they're not too busy. Regardless, we're excited to get to watch them.
I got a smile looking at some of the other "Picks." What's the fascination with Chipotle and are you holding out for a sponsorship or lifetime meals?
Noah: I like Chipotle cause it tastes incredible and it's a great company. They even have something now where I think a lot of them aren't serving pork because their pork supplier wasn't meeting their standards and how they were treating their animals. The fact that the company is willing to sacrifice and do that because of the standards and morals they have is an incredible thing. I just go there. I eat there all the time. And going there and supporting good people is special. We love Chipotle and it's great food too.
Mike [Shinoda] mentioned his experience getting to meet your band for the first time. From your perspective, what was it like to meet Mike and get involved with Music for Relief?
Noah: We're super excited and Linkin Park's such a legendary rock band and they've done so well and have amazing songs. They just write amazing songs and I'm sure the live show is amazing. You know they played on Warped Tour the same day we did ...
Sydney: Same time ...
Noah: Yeah, it was the same time. We were the only band playing at the exact same time they were that day.
Sydney: I saw one song, because they played longer than us.
Noah: I missed it all, but I want to see them. But it's cool to be here and be a part of the charity that they started and meet him. And it's cool cause that's what music does -- it connects people. Here we're connecting and collaborating for a common cause and a really great one too. We're very excited about that.
I think it's great that you're just getting started but already thinking about ways to give back. What does it mean to you to be involved in something like this and do you see this being a path you'll follow in the future?
Jamie: I think it's important for bands, and really anyone with a platform, to do. Not so much a thing that it feels cool to do it, but more that I feel if you're able to share things that you're passionate about you're kind of obligated to do so. And for us, we've always wanted to do that. Any missions or things that we feel are important that we want to share, it's always been a big thing. So it's really cool to be involved with Music for Relief. We're learning more and more about it and we're really honored that Mike asked us to come and be a part of this press conference and get more involved in Music for Relief.
"Cool Kids" has done great for you and "Bright" is starting to take off as well. What was it like making the music video for "Bright"?
Sydney: Music videos are really fun to shoot. They're really a long experience and it's a long, long day. But you know, it's fun and different and it's fun to work with different directors. We worked with an awesome guy named Declan Whitebloom. He was awesome and a great director and really sweet and really worked well with everybody else. "Bright" was a really fun video to shoot because we got to fake camp ... we called it "glamping" because we had makeup on and fancy jewelry and you never have that. But we love camping and I wanted to go so bad, so the video kind of fit my craving a little bit. So it's always a fun experience and they have good food, so it's always fun.
What's your favorite part about playing live?
Graham: I love it so much. It's so fun to see every fan singing along to it. That's my favorite part.
Sydney: Yeah, it's amazing. Every time we go onstage, no matter what the day is like, it just changes. No matter if you've had a crappy day or an amazing day, once you get onstage it's just different in a good way. And especially when people are singing back to us, it just gives me a second to catch my breath if they can sing along for me or if I forget the words, they can sing for me. Little things like that are kind of funny. Just the fact that I can hear more than one person singing along, let alone 1,000 people, I'm just kind of shocked by it all the time and I still take videos of it.
I have videos of the first time like 15 people sang our song at our first Warped tour to 1,500 people or thousands of people singing it at a radio show at a stadium. It's so crazy to see the progress and we remember the progress that has happened.
Through this whole journey that you've been on, what have been some of the favorite moments that really stood out to you?
Sydney: I know a favorite that you guys might agree with if I choose it, but playing Jimmy Fallon and The Tonight Show, that was great and we watch that all the time. We make a point to watch that and record it on our tour bus and we've loved him for years. So the fact that we were able to play the show and talk to him a long time beforehand and I got to get selfies with him, it was like, "Oh my gosh, this is real life." I know that was a moment where we were like "No way, I can't believe that we're actually here."
All: We agree. That's the one.
Our thanks to Echosmith for the interview. To check out the Rock in Rio USA festival lineup and ticketing check here. And you can see Echosmith on tour at these locations. If you're interesting on bidding on an Echosmith-signed guitar, check out the auction site here. And learn more about Music for Relief here.
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