Watch Jack White Play a Record in Space
Jack White has made good on his promise to launch a turntable and play a record in space. Watch it all happening below.
At 12PM Eastern today, White launched the "Icarus Craft," a high-altitude balloon with a turntable attached. According to Stereogum, the record that is being is a 12" gold-plated master of "A Glorious Dawn," the single his Third Man Records put out in 2010, which featured the late astronomer Carl Sagan reciting clips from his famous 1980 public TV series Cosmos, with a guest verse by Stephen Hawking.
White had been talking about his desire to do this since 2012, and released a flexidisc of his song, "Freedom at 21," later that year by attaching 1,000 copies to a bunch of helium balloons and letting them fall where they may. But this, as is so often the case with White, something no one else would have dreamed up.
Watch the Icarus Craft in Space
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