Jan, ‘How to Beast’ – Free MP3 Download
In what sounds like a strange but pleasant Yeah Yeah Yeahs-meets-Portishead concoction, JAN brings us a brand new single from her self-titled album The track, 'How to Beast,' is a guide to being honest with yourself, and as Kim Talon tells Diffuser.fm., it's about "the admittance of the rage that lies dormant in all of us."
"If one knows how to beast, than they know how to unleash their fury cathartically and safely, so as not hurt anyone," Talon says. "This track is written about two different types of people. There are the ones who lack the courage to confront their inner demons, and they suffer silently. The other type is the kind that understands that unleashing rage is an essential part of self-growth, freedom and tranquility, and they act accordingly. I for one, know how to beast. Do you?"
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