A New Clip From ‘Montage of Heck’ Recreates the Moment Kurt Cobain Decided on the Name Nirvana
Did you ever scrawl imaginary names for bands you fantasized about starting in a notebook as a youngster? If so, then you can imagine how intimate it would be to have people peek into those notebooks long after you were gone, which is exactly what the whole world got the opportunity to do today (April 1) when The Guardian premiered an exclusive clip from filmmaker Brett Morgen's Kurt Cobain documentary, Montage of Heck. Due in theaters worldwide on April 10 and airing on HBO on May 4, the film dives into a vast archive of personal footage that's never been released to the public.
The brief new clip -- check it out above -- recreates the moment when Cobain thought of the name Nirvana, and demonstrates Morgen's imaginative choice in having animators Stefan Nadelman and Hisko Hulsing bring the unsuspecting future icon's old notebooks to life.
The film is authorized, which means it was done with Courtney Love's blessing, but Morgen (who directed the Rolling Stones doc Crossfire Hurricane) was also given complete control over the final cut. "We didn’t want to put Kurt on a pedestal or bring him down, but look him in the eye,” Morgen told The Guardian earlier this month.
Judging from the trailer (below), it's clear that Morgen has attempted to render an empathetic -- and strikingly human -- portrait of a life that's typically viewed through the distorting lens of hero worship.
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