Morrissey Condemns Trump and ‘Hate-rosexuality’ After Orlando Shooting
Morrissey denounced presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday for his stance on the Orlando gay club massacre in which 50 were killed by a gunman.
“Donald Thump [sic], probably America's next President, reacts to the Orlando massacre by explaining how, if the people within the club were themselves armed with guns, then there would have been fewer casualties. This, of course, is his way of avoiding any words of support to the Orlando gay community (it is their own fault for going into a nightclub without hand grenades),” Morrissey wrote on his website in a June 13 post titled “Hate-rosexuality.”
Taking a page from his 2014 album, World Peace Is None of Your Business, the singer jabbed at Trump’s mental capacity (“Thump's only achievement so far is in making Sarah Palin seem intelligent”) and his proposed policies (“Donald Thump would therefore probably claim that the massacred children of Sandy Hook would still be alive today if only they'd had the common sense to carry sawn-off shotguns to school. The Thump response to Orlando is therefore anti-gay and pro-gun possession.”)
Trump has yet to address Morrissey’s comments. The Republican candidate’s most recent Twitter post as of press time does, however, acknowledge the gay community – while ribbing presumptive Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton:
Morrissey did not leave Clinton unscathed in his post, which also championed Democratic contender Bernie Sanders as “sane and intelligent.”
“Clinton is the face and voice of pooled money (and will therefore repay the established elite with whatever they want if she is elected),” he wrote. “... Clinton and Thump may be popular with the party faithful - but the party faithful aren't that large, and are not America, therefore a sad day looms in November - a day that only Bernie Sanders could have saved - had he been allowed his rightful share of media support.”
Additionally, the former Smiths frontman decried the actions of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen.
“Although the gunman who massacred 49 people at an Orlando gay club is said to have been 'repulsed' by homosexuality, he nonetheless left behind a slew of self-adoring 'selfies'; a handsome man gazing enchantedly at his own face.,” Morrissey wrote. “It is therefore acceptable for him to lovingly admire his own maleness, but it is not OK for other men to like other men.”
Morrissey will embark on a short tour through Europe and the Middle East in July and August.
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