Watch Morrissey’s ‘World Peace Is None of Your Business’ Promo
Before he was bum-rushed onstage in San Jose last week, Morrissey surprised the audience by performing a few new songs, including the title track from his upcoming album 'World Peace Is None of Your Business.'
He's just released a promo video for the album, an 80-second clip in which the a tuxedo-clad Moz, sitting at a piano, recites the lyrics to the title song as Nancy Sinatra strolls over with a briefcase filled with flowers.
You can watch the bizarre clip above.
'World Peace Is None of Your Business,' the song, is now available for download on iTunes if you pre-order 'World Peace Is None of Your Business,' the album, which comes out on July 15.
In the meantime, here's the concert version of the song to hold you over:
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