My Morning Jacket Release ‘Magic Bullet’ in Response to Recent Wave of Violence
With the recent headlines dominated by stories of gun-related deaths, My Morning Jacket have been compelled into action. The group have released a new song, "Magic Bullet," which can be streamed below.
The song's lyrics say that guns are not the answer, especially when people are at their lowest and most desperate and the propensity for violence is at its greatest. "But I know there's a solution deep within myself / But I ain't never gonna reach it without somebody's help."
In a statement that accompanied the song on Soundcloud, they remain true to the peace-and-love ideals of their classic rock roots. "Violence is never the answer," it begins. "Only love. We all need to be a part of the discussion, part of the solution. How long will it take before we realize we are all the same? This is not idealistic dreaming. This is a fact. We all want only to love and be loved, to nuture and protect those we love."
"I don't pretend to think that a song can fix or change the world instantly," it continues, "and I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of the political landscape and proper gun control legislation. BUT if we say nothing then nothing will ever change. And things have got to change."
From there, they urge people to speak and sing out "for peace. for equality. for justice. For an end to the violence...Then perhaps we can together change the world for the better." Towards the end, they offer a famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Listen to "Magic Bullet" by My Morning Jacket
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