OK Go’s Damian Kulash + Tim Nordwind Share Their Favorite Halloween Stories
We love Halloween. From stocking up on candy to coming up with the perfect idea that will win the office costume party, we have a lot of fond memories of Halloweens past.
Recently, we had the distinct privilege of hanging out with OK Go's Damian Kulash and Tim Nordwind, and it turns out that they love Halloween, too. In fact, they love it so much, they told us all about they're favorite costumes (Kulash's is, well, just OK, but Nordwind's is mind-blowingly awesome) -- and they even shared a story about a certain ghost that haunts the band.
Check out their hilarious Halloween stories in the video above, and when you're done with that, go deep into OK Go's history in the latest edition of "Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?" below:
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