This can't be good for business. Some kids who stopped by the temporary T-shirt store run by alt-rap collective Odd Future set a palm tree on fire earlier this month when they shot a bottle rocket into the air. Video of the blaze was recently posted on YouTube by a passerby who witnessed the fire, and you can see it below.
With all the hype surrounding Frank Ocean and his new solo album, 'Channel Orange,' you might think that he has reached the apex of attention he can grab for himself -- but then again, if you think that, you probably don't know Ocean very well. The Odd Future member managed to one-up himself during a concert marking the release of 'Orange' on Tuesday in Los Angeles by not only covering the eternal
She took her time putting the finishing touches on her new album, but now that Santigold is finished with 'Master of My Make-Believe,' she's hitting the ground running -- and fans can expect to hear more music in the not-too-distant future, including her collaboration with Odd Future's Earl Sweatshirt.