Lost & Found: Here’s Your Daily Dose of Awkward with the Violent Femmes
Poking fun at a person in order to develop a bond of familiarity is a delicate art that requires charm and panache. Violent Femmes bass player and co-founder Brian Ritchie was either lacking in those skills -- or it just wasn't his day. Ritchie could've benefited from a little public relations coaching before going on the famous Milwaukee morning show, 'At Twelve.'
Maybe someone could have told Ritchie to nix the obnoxiously fake laughs. A talent coach would also probably have warned Ritchie against saying that the host, Milwaukee legend Howard Gernette, was a sissy when he was a young boy. That certainly would've made the situation less awkward when the two of them discussed Ritchie's childhood infatuation with Howard's wife and television partner, Rosemary Gernette.
Femmes lead singer Gordon Gano seemed to do OK though, despite his clothing choices. He did seem a bit sleepy, which fit perfectly with the bathrobe he was wearing -- but he perked up toward the end of the interview. Drummer Victor DeLorenzo briefly recounted the story of how the band was discovered playing outside a theater by the Pretenders. DeLorenzo also reveals, albeit unintentionally, his meager vocabulary by describing the band's music simply as "good."
And just so we don't leave you hanging, here's the song they performed next, 'Sweet Misery Blues.'
And for an added treat, here's the Violent Femmes performing their big hit 'Blister in the Sun,' live. Again, Ritchie could've used some guidance, but this time in the form of a hair stylist. He rocked what had to be one of the most hardcore mullets to ever exist. His hair in this video is the stuff of myth. But that dude sure can play the crap out of a bass.
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