We Can’t Decide If This Mashup Improves Taylor Swift or Ruins Aphex Twin
File this under "T" for "Too Much Time on One's Hands." Such seems to have been the case for David Rees, author of 'How to Sharpen Pencils' and creator of the super-cool clip-art comic strip 'Get Your War On.' Adding more to his plate, Rees decided that he wanted to create a mashup of two of his favorite artists, Taylor Swift and Aphex Twin.
The most frustrating part of this is that we can't help ourselves. We have to listen to what he has unleashed upon the world. Aphex Twin makes some disturbingly catchy music. And Taylor Swift, you know, she also creates music. (We don't want to be labeled as music snobs, but we have to draw the line somewhere.)
Rees said on his Tumblr that he saw some glaring similarities between the two artists:
For instance, Taylor Swift made her name by writing big-hearted confessional songs for tween girls. But a lot of Aphex Twin’s music (especially on the Richard D. James album, from which most of these tracks are culled) is also super romantic — saccharine, even. Sometimes I wonder if his impossibly complex, inhuman drum patterns are just serving as a layer of sonic indie-cred to make the heart-on-your-sleeve melody and delicate timbres of (say) Girl/Boy song more palatable for “cool” people. Or, on a more personal level, it’s like he’s protecting his bleeding heart behind a crazy tangle of barbed-wire snare rolls. AND WHO AMONG US HASN’T DONE THAT?
True enough, Mr. Rees. True enough.
He calls this unholy creation 'Aphex Swift,' which, we admit, sounds pretty cool. Listen to the mashup below and let us know what you think: