Miles Kane Understands Zac Efron’s ‘Awkward Moment’
'That Awkward Moment,' a raunchfest starring former Disney heartthrob Zac Efron, is about three buddies and the ups and downs in their various relationships. To drive this concept home, the NSFW movie trailer features three songs, one of which is 'Come Closer' by Miles Kane.
'Come Closer' kicks in at roughly the 1:00 mark, when the plot shifts from the dudes acting like bros on the prowl (set to 'Ayy Ladies' by Travis Porter feat. Tygato) to dudes acting like bros who suddenly realize they've got girlfriends. After 30 seconds, 'Come Closer' abruptly stops, and the stars drop a lot of f-bombs. The final minute of the trailer is scored by 'Drunken Hearts' by Wallpaper.
'Come Closer' was released on Kane's 2011 solo debut 'Colour of the Trap' and reached No. 85 on the U.K. Singles chart. Before setting out on his own, Kane was a member of the Rascals and the Last Shadow Puppets, which was a side project with Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys. 'That Awkward Moment' opens in theaters on Jan. 31, 2014.
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