In tribute of International Woman's Day (March 8), the BBC dedicated a full hour of their scheduled programming to a documentary centered around the career of world-renowned Icelandic singer Björk. You can listen to the entire segment over at BBC Radio 6.

Titled "Army of Me: Björk Now," the segment finds the artist chatting with BBC about her career and more specifically, her new album Vulnicura and the emotional roller coaster she was on while writing it. Throughout the conversation, Björk discusses her drinking woes and her opinion on redefining relationships. (For the uninitiated, her new disc was inspired by her breakup with fellow artist and longtime partner, Matthew Barney.)

The day before BBC aired their documentary, Björk hit the stage at New York City's legendary Carnegie Hall to perform for the first time since Vulnicura hit the streets. Her self-themed career-spanning MoMa exhibit also recently opened, and part of its audio tour (dubbed Songlines) can be heard during the BBC segment.

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