Christian Lee Hutson Sings About Going Home in ‘Ghost to Coast’ – Exclusive Premiere
Going back to your childhood home can be agonizing, especially if you didn't have the greatest time growing up. Christian Lee Hutson revisits that concept in his new video for 'Ghost to Coast.'
The clip is set at the Echo Country Outpost in Los Angeles, Hutson's "home away from home" and his "favorite music venue in the world." He walks around -- dressed for much cooler climes -- hauling an old TV and revisiting the shuttered music venue that meant so much to him.
You can watch the video -- an exclusive premiere -- above.
Among all the locals lounging around in blowup pools and, later, romping at a confetti-filled dance party, Hutson stands out with his stone-faced demeanor. He looks quite bored with the whole thing, which is probably the point, given the song and video's subject.
"'Ghost to Coast' is about going home, but going home to a place that doesn't match your aesthetic," Hutson tells us. "I went to high school in Santa Monica, and I wore a heavy suede blazer to school everyday like a total weirdo. I suppose I don't mention that specifically anywhere in the song, but that's an example. When I wrote it, I had just been in NYC on tour after my first record came out, and I remember riding the train while a friend gave me grief for being sober and for complaining about living in California. 'Ghost to Coast' is about my unparalleled talent for complaining."
With his laid-back vocals and the song's mellow guitar, 'Ghost to Coast' sets the tone for a lazy day of doing almost nothing at all. And if the song gets a bit meditative at times, Hutson says there's good reason for that. "I wrote it in a super-gross hotel room in Las Vegas," he says. "I was finishing up the first leg of a tour ... and I was dreading returning to southern California.
"I grew up in Los Angeles, which symbolized a sort of uncomfortable consistency that made me kind of nauseous to imagine at the time, and I wanted to write something that poked fun at my tendency to be the death of the party," he continues. "Ironically, I've found myself craving the coast now that I only see it every few months."
'Ghost to Coast' comes from Hutson's upcoming second album, 'Yeah Okay, I Know,' which will be released later this year.