Dead Stars Perform ‘Waste Away’ Live at [Exclusive Video]
Sometimes, nothing is something -- like when you're in an awesome '90s-inspired rock band, and you need a topic for a song. In that case, nothing -- literally the (non)act of sitting around and doing nada -- is perfectly reasonable subject matter, as the Brooklyn trio Dead Stars prove on 'Waste Away,' the leadoff track from their excellent new EP 'High Grain.'
On record, 'Waste Away' is actually a pretty lively jam -- a fuzzy mover with a crisp guitar lead and distinct Dinosaur Jr. feel -- but like so many of the alt-era classics it evokes, it also sounds great unplugged. That's how singer Jeff Moore, his drumming cousin Jaye and bassist John Watterberg performed the song a few weeks ago, when they stopped by's Manhattan offices for a special acoustic session.
Watch the video below, then shake the chip crumbs off your shirt, move from the couch to the computer desk and read more about Dead Stars on Facebook. Or just reach for your laptop and save those calories for something useful -- like more slacking off.
Watch Dead Stars Perform 'Waste Away' Live at