Explosions in the Sky, ‘Postcard From 1952′ – New Video
Explosions in the Sky create a series of visual 'Postcard From 1952' in their latest music video, a cinematic clip that captures the simplicity of life from that era. Just as the band's lengthy rock instrumentals unfold gradually, the video uses super-slow-motion clips to slowly reveal a number of basic stories.
Directors Peter Simonite and Annie Gunn based the video on a series of vintage photographs of family life. The clip opens with a floating soap bubble drifting through the air toward the arms of a young child. That sequence alone takes more than a minute. In other scenes, kids open presents underneath a Christmas tree and run through a sprinkler on the lawn.
The video's tempo matches the speed of the music, with quicker, sharper cuts during the vibrant drum crashes as the song reaches its climax. The bubble finally gets popped near the end of the video, leading the mother to blow a new one as the clip fades out.
"We avoided videos for years and years and I think a lot of the reason was because we liked the idea of people creating videos or movies in their heads," drummer Chris Hrasky told the Huffington Post. "I'm not really sure why that changed with this record, maybe it had to do with knowing a lot of creative and talented people who were friends of ours, so if they expressed interest in making a video we'd be OK with it."
'Postcard From 1952' appears on Explosions in the Sky's 2011 album 'Take Care, Take Care, Take Care.'
Watch Explosions in the Sky's 'Postcard From 1952' Video
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