Here’s Your Morning-After My Bloody Valentine Roundup
It's been a while since someone broke the Internet with new music. We think Girl Talk was the last to do it in 2010, when he released 'All Day.' But last night, My Bloody Valentine broke at least a small part of it after news leaked during the day that the band's long-awaited album would be released within hours.
But the long, long wait for 'mbv' -- it's been 21 years since the band released their last album, the shoegaze masterpiece 'Loveless' -- was made even longer as fans patiently, and not-so-patiently, waited for the group's new, and apparently, buggy website to work. For a good chunk of the night, visitors to My Bloody Valentine's website were greeted with a frustrating "Forbidden: Access Is Denied" error message.
So between frantic clicks of the "reload" button, fans kept busy by making memes. And more memes. And breathlessly editing the group's Wikipedia page. Someone even put together a White House petition to get the broken website up and running again.
Meanwhile, on Twitter, someone set up a Fake Kevin Shields account, where the not-real frontman chimed in from time to time with updates: "Exciting news MBV fans! New album is being uploaded as we speak! Keep in mind though my Internet is slow so this could take 2-3 years.'
Eventually the site regained power, and all the online huffing and puffing subsided, for a little while, as fans rushed in to download and purchase 'mbv.' The good news is that the album is finally here, and it's pretty good. Even though Shields was hinting at a drum 'n' bass electronic LP, 'mbv' sounds a lot like 'Loveless' -- lots of gooey, woozy guitar lines weaving in and out of a layered mix of controlled chaos.
Fan reaction to the record is generally positive. Seeing that everyone downloaded and started to listen to the album at the exact same time (seriously, when's the last time that happened?), opinions came in fast and scattered. Some people complained about the mix on the high end (a similar complaint was hurled at 'Loveless' when it came out in 1991); some complained about the $16 being charged for the nine-song album. But overall, everyone seems to like the music. 'The Quietus' even breaks it down track-by-track, if you got some time to read a couple thousand words on it.
If you're one of the few MBV fans who wasn't waiting around for the album to come out last night and actually did something fun, you can hear the entire record on YouTube, where it's now streaming. Give it a listen and let us know what you think.
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