Yeah Yeah Yeahs, ‘Sacrilege’ – New Video
A young outcast woman gets tied up and is about to be burned at the stake in front of vengeful townspeople in the new video for 'Sacrilege,' the first single off the Yeah Yeah Yeah's forthcoming fourth album, 'Mosquito.' But why? As the clip slowly unfolds in reverse, the woman (played by model-cum-actress Lily Cole) is not only identified as the lover of a masked man who has been shot to death for some unidentified deed, but it also becomes apparent that she has had carnal relations with many of the men (and even a woman) from the town seeking revenge on her.
The twist makes the video feel like a modern-day Salem witch trail -- and properly compliments the song, which features the YYY's first-ever use of a backing gospel choir. And considering singer Karen O's penchant for worshiping at the altar of rock 'n' roll, it's like things have gone full circle. Check it out above.
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