So, you think you're a big Adele fan? Maybe you have all of her albums? Know all of the lyrics to her songs? Maybe you even own her live DVD. Well, we have bad news for you: Your Adele devotion is nothing compared to that of the artist known as Hong Yi.

Hong Yi, already known for -- as Gizmodo puts it -- making "mind blowing art from everyday objects like books, coffee and basketballs," recently pulled off what might be her most impressive artistic feat yet: Composing a portrait of Adele using the melted wax from dozens of candles.

Arranging the candles on a canvas, Yi lit the wicks and carefully arranged the wax, a painstaking process that she makes look far too easy in the clip embedded below. She described her efforts by saying, "This took about two weeks to plan out -- I spent about a week looking for the right materials for it, and another week on working out how to use hot candle wax as my 'paint.' The art piece itself took about seven hours to complete, and I think I used about 1,500 candles!"

The price, aside from whatever 1,500 candles costs these days, was one burned finger for Yi. We think it was well worth it -- check out the video and see if you don't agree.

See the Adele Portrait by RED (Hong Yi)

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