Professional partier and rock star Andrew W.K. never slows down; even when he's getting ready to rage at a live show, he still takes time to answer questions from fans in his advice column for the Village Voice newspaper. While in Detroit preparing for his recent gig at the Crofoot Ballroom, W.K. took a few minutes to address a letter he received from a very special fan. Watch his passionate response in the video above.

Reading a message sent to him from none other than the city of Detroit, W.K. was tasked with providing some thoughts on how the city should respond to being "down in the dumps about being broke" and what it should do about all of the "bad things" people say on the internet. A seemingly impossible job, W.K. took very little time to think about his answer because, as he sees it, Detroit has no reason to be feeling sorry for itself.

"All around the country and even the world during my recent European tours I see people excited about Detroit," W.K. says in WDIV-TV's 'Uniquely Detroit' feature. "[They're] looking at Detroit not only as a model American city but perhaps a city for a new era in general as a global city."

Wrapping up his advice -- and true-to-form -- W.K. leaves the city with one simple piece of advice: "It's all uphill from here in a good way. Congratulations and keep partying."

As a bonus for fans, W.K. did an extended interview with 'Uniquely Detroit' about how the city shaped him as an individual, what its future looks like and more. Watch the interview below.

And as a peek behind-the-scenes, here is W.K. filming his episode of 'Uniquely Detroit' with WDIV-TV's Alex Atwell:

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