A new short documentary follows singer-songwriter Tobias Jesso Jr. during the run up to the release of his critically-lauded 2015 debut, Goon.

The 20-minute video, also called Goon, focuses on Jesso's songwriting and follows him in Los Angeles and New York City as he prepares to release the album. It features several live performances, including one interrupted by a lawnmower.

During one spare solo performance, at a house show, before playing "How Could You, Babe," Jesso explains to the audience: "I was living in L.A., and I was living with a girl, too. And we broke up when I went back to Vancouver... and started writing songs. I was doing the whole 'in the basement' kind of thing and then, about six months after... I found out she was dating someone new. So just imagine being in that position and the lyrics will make sense."

It also shows Jesso as he gets ready backstage for a performance on Conan. "It's hard to get in the vibe for TV. I just take a couple deep breaths and think about why I wrote the song, or think about what it's about. That's where the piano faces come from."

Check out the video below via Pitchfork.

Tobias Jesso Jr. – Goon Documentary

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