Hopefully you've been enjoying Diffuser.fm's daily free MP3 downloads, one of the newest daily features added to our site. With so many great indie and alternative bands out there eager to pair your ears with their latest tunes, we've been tracking down as much great new free music as we can for our readers.

And now, we bring you all seven of the free MP3 downloads we've posted in the last week, so you can get them all in one zip file. Read a little about each song below, and then at the bottom of the page click the download button to get the zip file with all seven tracks at once.

Ryan Traster, 'Cool Love': Midwestern transplant Ryan Traster relocated to Brooklyn before issuing his new single, 'Cool Love,' which toes the line between Americana rock and power pop. It's “the result of listening to way too much Nick Lowe and a relationship gone awry," he says.

Julien-K, 'Cruel Daze of Summer': Long Beach, Calif. rockers Julien-K are the brainchild of Ryan Shuck, formerly of Orgy -- that band that hit the charts with a cover of New Order's 'Blue Monday.' 'Cruel Daze' follows that vibe straight to the dance floor.

Wake Up Lucid, 'Feel It': You can definitely 'Feel It' on this track -- feel the Los Angeles-based cousinly trio Wake Up Lucid rocking hard, that is. The track's overdriven charge "came together by us turning everything in the studio up to 10," says frontman Ryan Boca.

Teenage Sweater, 'Coconut Water': Northern California native Mario Ruiz has a serious Cure fixation that comes out on 'Coconut Water,' and the icy electronica cut offers equal parts shadowy and sublime.

Wintersleep, 'Rescuscitate': Canadian quartet Wintersleep tapped acclaimed producer Dave Fridmann for 'Hello Hum,' which spawned this Ethiopian-flavored track. Wait, Ethiopia? "I [visited] my sister in Ethiopia and [picked] up some of the culture’s beats and rhythms," explains drummer Loel Campbell.

Shy Hunters, 'Stained Glass House': Brooklyn, N.Y.based boy-girl duo Sam Levin and Indigo Street seriously strip things down on this sparse and sprite cut, which Indigo calls "the soundtrack to a dream."

Magic Hour, 'So High': The solo project of ex-Walter Meego producer Colin Yarck, Magic Hour plays with warped vocal effects and warm tones on this cut from his recent debut under the name ‘Remember Harder.'

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