Sub Pop Apologizes for Father John Misty’s ‘Elaborate Record-Destroying Device’
Father John Misty’s latest album, I Love You, Honeybear – a follow-up to the singer’s 2012 album, Fear Fun -- just arrived this past Tuesday (Feb. 10), but fans who purchased a deluxe edition of the album have already reported that the LP’s “Dioramic, Meta-Musical Funtime gatefold jacket” has warped the vinyl.
Now, Sub Pop has issued an apology, promising to replace the damaged LPs.
“In short, the extra, bulging thickness of the pop-up art in the Father John Misty jacket creates a lump that, when the LPs are sealed and packed, pushes into the LPs, causing the vinyl to warp and making that handsome, painstakingly and expensively produced jacket an elaborate record-destroying device,” the label wrote in a statement posted to Sub Pop’s blog. “This oversight, and any attendant suffering, is our fault, and we are very sorry. We promise to be less ambitious in the future.”
“We are currently making 100% non-warped, colored-vinyl LPs to replace these damaged LPs,” the label added. “We hope to have a delivery date for those soon, and we will update this page as soon as we have that information.”
Check out pictures of the “elaborate record-destroying device” below:
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